A good song to sing

Posted: October 17, 2011 in daily life activity

Every person’s got a favourite song, cause a certain song’s make we felt understood by someone. Don’t we all want that? to be understood….some people might say that kind of ideology is shallow,then i taught to my self “so what if that shallow? our life is already filled with complicated things, i just want to listen to a good song and sing along” FYI, when i was single, i liked to sing at night falls just like a wolf howling at the moon….AWOOOOOO…anyway this full moon’s making me remembered my wolf-like day’s song. i want to share some song that i song in the night that time, cheers mate!


Nothing, and i said NOTHING beat this song to sing at night. the atmosphere is perfect, this song’s is about letting someone go, weird huh? the name’s OVERJOYED but the song’s lyric is about letting someone go.


This song’s a good song to sing when you don’t know about how she feels, ahhhh the memories of a wolf, AWoooooo!!! lol


this song is what i singed when i remember my GF’s smile 🙂

hope you guys enjoyed it too, best of luck dude and doodads!! 😛



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